Working for the weekend

August 16

Took the day off Friday, watched the Perseid meteor shower with my sons at 1am laying out on the front lawn. We don’t have any official street lights in our neighborhood (the occasional small private ones) so it was nice and dark. We discussed the stars and the mysteries of the universe for about an hour and didn’t get bitten by a single creepy crawler.

Later in the day the boys and I went to lunch and hit the movie theater for a first showing of the Expendables. Your typical guys flick, with of course all the big names in guy movies for the last 20 years.  A predictable plot and perhaps too great a reliance on digital blood splatter, you just can’t beat old school blood packs. All in all though, it was a good flick and it kept us entertained enough that no one made a break for the bathroom the whole length of it.

Friday night I took the wife and daughter out to  Taco Bell to try their new cantina style tacos. Nothing to write home (or on a blog) about but they don’t cost much anyway. Before you all (ya, like anyone but me is reading this) judge me on how cheap the night was for the ladies, it was the wife’s idea!

The whole weekend went like that, the sun was out and blue sky’s as far as you could see. Living up here in the North these past 14 years I really miss the sun and the heat, I’ve long known I am a solar powered person. The long cold dark of what passes for the norm around here really bites, but this past weekend it was glorious!

Enough rambling for now, time to look like I’m actually working. :mrgreen:


Posted by on August 16, 2010 in Uncategorized

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