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I must check Reddit a couple dozen times a day, from my office, from my cell phone while out in town and on my PC at home of an evening. It would be safe to say it is a HUGE time sponge, before you know it the clock says it’s time to leave. Today as some of you no doubt are aware has seen the first major crash of Reddit in several months. So what else have I to do all day; post about it of course!
He was so small when he arrived, just a little black ball of kicking feet, the runt of the litter. At five weeks old he should have been suckling at his mothers side, but she was gone and so where his siblings. We were all he had in the world, he needed us and he was our first. We fed him with a bottle for the first few weeks, kept him warm with a heating blanket and stayed close in case he needed us.
I’d had dogs growing up but as a new family he was the first one we had ever had. He wasn’t the smartest of dogs, but he loved us and we loved him. Of course, he didn’t stay small for very long. In no time at all he was bounding around the house, knocking over everything in his path. Like most puppies, his feet grew much faster then the rest of him.
There were times that having a young dog was less then pleasant, there was the puking incident in the back seat of my new car (in his defense though, he did clean most of it up before I was able to get to it) and that fateful 4th of July night.
We are originally from San Diego; people in SD don’t light off fireworks themselves, the professionals do it. We knew people were allowed to shoot off fireworks up here and went to a friend’s house for that very purpose, leaving the dog at home. It wasn’t as though we expected a massive fireworks battle to go on between our neighbors in our absence. That is of course exactly what went down, with our young dog alone at home certain that the world was coming to an end. He never fully recovered from that night (our carpet never did either) and from that point forward had to be sedated the nights that fireworks were allowed to be used.
At one hundred plus pounds, he was the biggest pussy you were ever likely to run into. His voice however could scare away a burglar at half a mile away. He had that deep hound dog bark that would wake you up from the deepest of sleep. Once you got in the door though, he would hide behind anything that was handy till he was sure it was safe.
It started with cancer, as it so often does. An ever growing lump on his leg and chest, we got it removed but it just came back in spades. He wasn’t as fast any more; the younger dogs could get him to play but he tired quickly. The cancer riddled his body, his lungs.. He didn’t complain, but he didn’t get up as quickly as he used to. At the end he just laid there most of the time, moving from room to room to be close to us. He didn’t want to be alone anymore, he knew.
We took him on that last ride today; the other dogs won’t understand why he never came back. It’s hard to say goodbye but it isn’t right to make him suffer just to so we can postpone the pain of losing him. I hope that some day, someone will love me enough to do the same for me. I’ll carry the hole in my heart he used to fill for the rest of my life as will all of us touched by him.
Good bye my old friend, I’ll see you again, just there on the other side.
It pains me to announce the untimely passing of Elisabeth Sladen, who played the ever searching Sarah Jane Smith on the Long Standing Series Doctor Who.

There I was picking up a couple of take and bake pizzas for the family and what did my eyes behold?

Oh my! Even had chocolate chips in the crust!
I love living in the future.
I created this post using just my voice. apparently in the future there won’t be any capital letters.
Posted from Lord Darian’s fancy new Android phone!

In my random leaps around the internet, I will on rare occasions find myself staring at greatness.
Such was the day I found the Books of Adam. Adam Ellis writes stupid stories about his life and creates hilarious drawings to go along with them. He lives in Portland and never eats tomatoes, ever. He also has a fantastic sense of humor. I recommend to any and all that you stop by his site and read a few of his stories. If your anything like me you will continue reading until you have reached the end. Then you will pine away waiting for the next story to brighten your dark and dreary existence.
We live among ghosts. They’ve always been here, but as I get older they become more apparent. Dotted along the side of the roads are shrines, everywhere, echoing tragedy and loss. Even the simple ones posted by the state reminding us of the cost of drinking and driving, stand as markers where loved ones fell. They were the sons and daughters of someone, possibly the brothers, sisters, husbands and wives of someone left behind.
When I was a young man, I drank and when I became a Marine I drank and drove. It wasn’t smart, it wasn’t responsible, but I was immortal – bullet proof even. In my barracks alone no less then 16 of my fellow Marines had been injured in alcohol related car accidents in a single year. There were broken backs, broken necks, punctured lungs and other vital organs. Still, we drank, and we drove. That we survived our youth is a testament to the grace such young fools live under.
Still, not all of us do survive. A family up the block from my home buried there son last month. Not even 19, he and his best friend in the world died on the same spot one cold dark Saturday morning. The fire that engulfed their car after it slammed into a reinforced power pole left so little of them behind, it took two days before they were officially identified. They were my sons friends too and I thank whatever angels watch over him that he was not there that morning as well.
Our time on this plane is short, of those planes that lay beyond I can not know with any certainty. I believe there is someplace beyond the brief existence of the flesh, somewhere that the soul is free. Those that have fallen along the way still exist, they walk among us and call out to us in our memories.
We live among ghosts, remember that as you drive by that marker along the side of the road. Someone fell there, lost for a time to those who loved them and miss them dearly. They will bury three more young men this week, in a town not too far from here. No lessons learned, immortal and bullet proof the game goes on.
Never leave what should be said for later. Our chance to tell the ones we love how we feel is so very brief and though no one is ever truly gone, the chance will never come again.
My son is an Internet Gypsy, that is to say he wanders from friends house to friends house every night looking for an on-line fix. He hasn’t slept at home in weeks. It would not be too far a stretch to claim he actually lives on the internet and visits our world during downtime. Like many of the once called ‘middle-class’, I have felt the crush of the second great depression. Through manning reductions and cuts in pay, my family has lost an entire mortgage payment in monthly income. Due to this we have had to cut all non essentials, so no more Xbox-Live, no more Netflix, Cable, land line phones or internet. For a kid that is used to playing two MMO’s at the same time, while laying down suppressive fire in a live FPS and all the while keeping a running dialog on several open chat windows it’s tantamount to the zombie apocalypse.
My earliest memories of Joshua’s computer wanderings go far back to his early years, perhaps at as early an age as four (for those uber geeks who may have caught it, yes indeed Joshua was named after the computer in WarGames). Joshua loved wandering through my computers hard drive using Norton Commander, which I had setup with some hotkeys to allow the kids to play edutainment games. Joshua especially liked Reader Rabbit, but was never content to limit his explorations to those offered by the menus. Josh loved to get the women of the house to freak out by opening Daddy’s porn. So after several hysterical calls (All beginning with the phrase, “Do you know what your son just did!”) I would relocate the offensive images to less accessible places. That never seemed to slow Joshua down, almost as fast as I moved them he would track them down and display them for the world to see. Thinking I was smarter then this child whose sole experience with modern computing was chasing letters with an EGA rabbit, I used the zip commands of good ole Norton Commander to archive the files (we used Gif’s back then) into abstractly named lumps. Did that stop Joshua? Not in the slightest. Needless to say, Dads porn collection went offline after that.
So, wherever you are tonight Joshua. We miss you! Be safe, and watch out for campers.